Labour of Love…finding myself
Mar 09, 2021
Where do I begin?? This is my first blog post here and I wanted to formally introduce myself to those that are new and to welcome those that have continued to support me over the last year.
I have had a complete life transformation since June 2018. Sadly, I had a bad breakup from a job that I loved. I felt betrayed by the people I thought were my friends and mentors. It was a very dark period for me, and one that I will never forget. I definitely learned a lot about myself from having gone through this experience. And you know what? I wouldn’t change a thing. Although my feelings were hurt, I knew I had to pivot and pick myself up. There was no quitting! I’ve always loved helping people achieve happiness in their fitness journey.
I am grateful I was able to make real connections with the 100’s of people I taught fitness to and was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and direct messages after I left my post. You people know who you are, so if you are reading this right now…Thank you! From this support, I was able to pull myself together to rise above the hurt.
Sometimes we need adversity to kick our ass, and wake us up! So welcome to the birth of Amy Johnston Fitness!! I am a wife, mom of three teens and yorkie pup. I am passionate about all things wellness related. I have been in the industry for over 20years. I am an expert in functional fitness, metabolic conditioning, intuitive eating and much more! I have helped 100’s of people achieve their goals and find their goals and find a safe balance. I want you to be able to live your best life with ease, reduced stress and find happiness. What is living if you are not happy.
My path to get here took time, but through the journey I have learned to love myself more and give myself more grace. My passion is to simplify health and fitness for the aging woman. I want to help the busy corporate babe and/or mom who is obsessive about body image, food intake, exercise and weight loss; the woman who feels overwhelmed with her to do list and puts herself last. Trust me, I have been there and I still find myself “doing” for everyone but me!
So there you have it! I do not pretend to have all the answers. Life continues to throw curve balls. Through my experience I have gained more tools in my tool box to dig out form under it all. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. Comment below, or send me a message!
This is my labour of love…welcome to the journey